Jemma Garrett

What inspired you to become a Fundraising Ambassador for Mast Cell Action?

I was inspired to become a Fundraising Ambassador for Mast Cell Action after receiving my MCAS diagnosis in late 2023. After years of living with unexplained symptoms and multiple diagnoses, I realised just how essential it is to raise awareness and support for those battling MCAS. My personal journey, filled with challenges and frustration, has made me deeply passionate about advocating for others who face similar struggles.

Can you share a bit about your personal connection or experience with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)?

My personal connection with MCAS began after years of dealing with chronic pain, rashes, swelling, gastrointestinal problems, and more. Although I had been diagnosed with conditions like fibromyalgia, FND, and vestibular migraines, it wasn’t until late 2023 that I was diagnosed with MCAS. Managing the unpredictable nature of the condition while balancing motherhood and completing my Master’s degree in Criminal Psychology has been overwhelming, but it's also driven me to raise awareness for the condition and help others facing similar battles.

What are you most excited about in your role as a Fundraising Ambassador?

I'm most excited about using my personal journey to make a difference. Being a Fundraising Ambassador gives me the opportunity to spread awareness about MCAS, connect with others affected by the condition, and contribute to funding much-needed research and resources. I’m looking forward to bringing people together and showing that even though MCAS is invisible to many, it has a very real impact on those living with it.

What fundraising initiatives or events are you looking forward to leading or supporting?

I’m especially excited to continue leading the New Forest Frenchie Fest, an event I created to celebrate French Bulldogs and raise awareness for MCAS. It’s a fun and engaging way to bring the community together while raising funds for this important cause. 10% of proceeds from the event go toward supporting MCAS research and awareness efforts, and I can’t wait to see it grow even more.

Why do you think raising awareness and funds for MCAS is so important?

Raising awareness and funds for MCAS is crucial because the condition is still widely misunderstood. Many people with MCAS, including myself, go through years of misdiagnosis and inadequate treatment feeling frightened and hopeless. By raising awareness, we can improve understanding, push for better medical recognition, and ensure that those living with MCAS receive the care and support they need. Funds are essential for research and advocacy efforts, which are critical for improving lives.

What impact do you hope to make through your work with Mast Cell Action?

I hope to make a meaningful impact by helping increase awareness and understanding of MCAS in both the medical community and the public. By raising funds, I want to contribute to research efforts that lead to better treatments and more effective care for people living with MCAS. Ultimately, I hope my work helps to ensure that no one has to suffer in silence or feel isolated in their journey.

What would you say to someone considering supporting or donating to the cause?

I would say that every bit of support can make a real difference. By donating, you're helping to fund critical research, raise awareness, and ensure that MCAS sufferers receive the support they need. Whether it's helping someone get diagnosed earlier or funding a new treatment, your contribution is making a lasting impact on lives.

Can you share a memorable or meaningful moment from your fundraising journey so far?

A memorable moment for me was hosting the first New Forest Frenchie Fest. Seeing the community come together to enjoy the day while also supporting a cause that’s so important to me was incredibly heartwarming. It was a reminder that even small events can have a big impact and that people are willing to rally behind a cause when they understand its importance.

What are your hobbies or interests outside of fundraising?

Outside of fundraising, I enjoy spending time with my son and my French Bulldogs. I also have a passion for psychology, which led me to complete my Master’s degree in Criminal Psychology. I love being in nature, reading, and continuing to learn about mental health and wellbeing.

Is there a quote or motto that motivates you in your work?

One quote that keeps me going is: "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." It reminds me that every challenge I’ve faced with my health has opened up new ways for me to make a difference, and it keeps me motivated to keep pushing forward.

You can read about Jemma's fundraising activity here

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