Vikki's Story

What have you done to raise funds for Mast Cell Action?

Myself and my lovely daughter, Eve, husband Craig, sister Kim and family took part in an 
inflatable 5K.

How was the challenge?

The event was amazing! It was a gloriously sunny day and we all had so much fun on the obstacles. My
daughter Eve (7) was disappointed when it was all over! We all managed to finish the course and it felt
like a huge achievement for me personally.

What is your link to Mast Cell Activation Syndrome? 

I was diagnosed with MCAS in early 2022 following a few tumultuous years health wise. I had declined quite
rapidly from 2019 onwards and was pretty much housebound, was struggling to eat due to food reactions and 
had lost so much weight. My main symptoms were fatigue, neurological, digestive and skin related. Once I 
received my diagnosis I started the slow process of introducing medications to alleviate symptoms. 
By the Autumn of 2022 I was well enough to travel to Euro Disney with family, albeit in a wheelchair. 

Since then my health has gone from strength to strength. I'm now back at work part time, walking an average  
6-10k steps a day, my diet is much more varied and I have gained weight. Life on the whole is so much

Why did you choose Mast Cell Action? 

I feel very strongly about the work that Mast Cell Action do - I'm aware I've been one of the lucky ones in 
achieving a relatively quick diagnosis and treatment. My treatment has all been privately funded as the NHS is 
still so lacking in terms of understanding MCAS. Raising awareness and providing those living with MCAS with
resources and information is vital.

What did you enjoy most about your fundraising experience? 

The opportunity to take part is something I will never take for granted. If someone had told me a few years
ago I'd be well enough to be participating in an event like this I wouldn't have believed them. The sense of achievement has been huge, as well as the chance to have a fun day out with loved ones in the sunshine.

What would you say to other people considering doing a fundraiser for Mast Cell Action?

Please just go ahead and give it a try. Every little helps and you can have fun in the process! 

What message would you like to share with the MCAS community?

To anyone still fighting for a diagnosis or in the early stages of their journey I would say please don't give up.
At times it can feel so helpless, progress can be slow and non linear - but things can get better and you 
aren't in this alone. Mast Cell Action offers so much support to the MCAS community - if you're struggling 
please do reach out to them. 

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