Wellbeing resources for adults

Mandalas Colouring Book with Affirmations

Relaxing and creative activities like mandala colouring can help foster mindfulness and calm a busy mind. Why not spend some time colouring in these beautiful mandalas, drawn by talented Mast Cell Action supporter Ivy Lewis, and lose yourself in your own creative vision. As each colour fills the spaces in this book, may your heart find calm, your mind find focus, and your spirit find strength. You are your own masterpiece.

Navigating MCAS together - Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Support Guide for Loved Ones

This guide is for those who are supporting a loved-one with MCAS, and includes advice on maintaining your own physical and emotional health, as well as practical guidance on how you can support your loved-one.

Seated Qigong Guide

This is a seated Qigong guide which focusses on posture, Neck, Shoulders and Spine.

Mindfulness, Mindful Breathing and Mast Cells

This guide explains the benefits of Mindfulness and breathwork and provides short exercises to try.

Lotus Flower Breathing

Lotus Flower Breathing is a gentle breathing exercise that helps to calm the nervous system and reduce stress. With thanks to Deborah Bircham from Live Well With Chronic Illness.

Hand Breathing

This simple breathing exercise has been provided to us by Deborah Bircham from Live Well With Chronic Illness.

Travelling with MCAS

This downloadable booklet contains tips and resources for managing Mast Cell Activation Disorders on the go, wherever you go.

Knowing our values

Knowing our values is important to help us to achieve fulfilment. Use this guide to help you plan what you need to be doing in order to feel a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

Life Audit

Are you meeting your Core Needs? Conducting a life audit can be an insightful exercise to help you evaluate and enhance your overall wellbeing.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation for Adults

When we experience anxiety or stress, our muscles can tense up. Progressive muscle relaxation can help to alleviate this tension and promote a sense of calm.

Boom and bust cycle theory for adults

In the world of chronic illness, it's entirely normal to experience both 'good' and 'bad' days. However, if you overexert yourself on the good days, it can lead to an overcompensation of rest on the bad days. Trying to find a smoother path with more balance to your ‘good’ and ‘bad’ days can help to stop the cycle.

Meditation by Deborah Bircham with music shanti by Annie Brunson

A short mindfulness practice for those feeling illness or discomfort

Mast cells and the mind

A PDF to support our session on mast cells and the mind by Deborah Bircham

The Spoon Theory

People with chronic illnesses like MCAS often have limited energy. In the spoon theory, by Christine Miserandino, this is represented as having 12 spoons per day. This can help to explain the impact of some everyday tasks on those living with chronic illness.

A downloadable worksheet to assess personal stress levels for adults

Perceived stress scale - Adults

This worksheet helps you to estimate your personal stress levels and gives you an idea of your current wellbeing.

Adult mood check in sheet - printable

Mood check in sheet - Adult

This is a quick and easy resource designed to help you, and those that care about you, to check-in with how you are doing.

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