A 'Not-Just-For-Therapists' Guide....." This is written as a guide for therapist’s to help them understand Long Covid, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), Mast Cell Disorders (MCD), Chemical Sensitivities and Environmental Illness. However, it is not just for therapists, and others may also find it very useful.
This article has been written by Helen Brown, BSc (Hons) Health Sci, MSc MHS and looks at the diagnostic consensus of skin symptoms in Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.
Relaxing and creative activities like mandala colouring can help foster mindfulness and calm a busy mind. Why not spend some time colouring in these beautiful mandalas, drawn by talented Mast Cell Action supporter Ivy Lewis, and lose yourself in your own creative vision. As each colour fills the spaces in this book, may your heart find calm, your mind find focus, and your spirit find strength. You are your own masterpiece.
This guidance outlines how local authorities and schools can best support children who cannot attend school because of physical or mental health needs.
This guide is for those who are supporting a loved-one with MCAS, and includes advice on maintaining your own physical and emotional health, as well as practical guidance on how you can support your loved-one.
Handout on different types of water purifiers, created by Deborah Bircham
Mast cells are intrinsic immune cells present in connective tissues throughout the body, especially at tissue-environment interfaces. This document looks at the connection between MCAS and Long Covid.
This histamine bucket theory is a useful visual aid in trying to understand the impact of factors contributing to histamine levels.
This is a seated Qigong guide which focusses on posture, Neck, Shoulders and Spine.
This guide explains the benefits of Mindfulness and breathwork and provides short exercises to try.
Lotus Flower Breathing is a gentle breathing exercise that helps to calm the nervous system and reduce stress. With thanks to Deborah Bircham from Live Well With Chronic Illness.
This simple breathing exercise has been provided to us by Deborah Bircham from Live Well With Chronic Illness.
This leaflet details the free service delivered by trained volunteers who can provide peer support to parents and carers who need it.
This leaflet details the free service delivered by trained volunteers who can provide peer support to those who need it.
Zuberbier T, Abdul Latiff AH, Abuzakouk M, et al. The international EAACI/GA²LEN/EuroGuiDerm/APAAACI guideline for the definition, classification, diagnosis, and management of urticaria. Allergy. 2022;77:734–766. doi:10.1111/all.15090
This downloadable booklet contains tips and resources for managing Mast Cell Activation Disorders on the go, wherever you go.
This list can help teachers and other educators to include students living with MCAS, when planning lessons and classroom activities
This full resource pack is designed to help you share vital information about mast cell disorder with schools.
This resource has been designed to explain Mast Cell Activation Syndrome to Teachers and guide them in creating a safe environment for pupils.
This kit has been specially designed for parents and primary caregivers of secondary school students who have a mast cell disorder, such as Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS).
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